The long-running animated series Rick and Morty has unveiled the new voice actors set to take on the iconic roles of Rick Sanchez and Morty Smith in its seventh season. Justin Roiland, who had been the voice behind both of these beloved characters, has departed the show, leading to the need for fresh talent to fill his shoes. The credits of the season 7 premiere revealed the new voice actors, introducing Ian Cardoni as the voice of Rick and Harry Belden as the voice of Morty.
The decision to recast these essential characters comes after a series of significant developments surrounding the show’s creator, Justin Roiland. Roiland had previously faced charges of domestic violence, which were later dropped. These allegations, coupled with ongoing revelations of tensions and divisions between Roiland and his co-creators on both Rick and Morty and Solar Opposites, ultimately led to his departure from the show earlier this year.
Adult Swim, the network that airs Rick and Morty, made it clear that it would be recasting Rick, Morty, and all other roles previously voiced by Justin Roiland. This was an unexpected move for fans of the show, who had grown accustomed to Roiland’s distinct voices for these two central characters.
Before the official announcement of the new voice actors, Adult Swim had revealed its plan to employ soundalikes for Rick and Morty’s recasting. This decision was aimed at preserving the show’s continuity and allowing it to proceed as normal for subsequent seasons without Roiland’s involvement.
Remarkably, the upcoming eighth season of Rick and Morty has already been written, and a ninth season is reportedly in the works. This signifies that the show’s creative team has been preparing for the transition and has already set the stage for the new actors to take on the mantle of voicing Rick and Morty.
As the show’s loyal fanbase eagerly awaits the season 7 premiere and the debut of the new voices for these beloved characters, the transition presents an interesting twist in the ongoing saga of Rick and Morty. The series has consistently surprised and delighted viewers with its unique brand of humor, complex storytelling, and an assortment of zany characters. Now, as the show enters a new era with fresh voices at the helm, it will be intriguing to see how the beloved characters of Rick and Morty evolve and adapt to this significant change.